Why Should I Choose SWR?

(aka The Why’s of SWR)

Spell to Write and Read is a scientifically-based, multi-sensory phonics program that leads students to spell their way into writing and reading.

Spell to Write and Read teaches first things first.

1. Penmanship/Phonograms
The student is taught the ways to spell the different sounds of English. The student sees, says, writes, and reads the sounds.

2. Spelling/Logic
The student learns to spell high frequency words by teacher dictation (not copying). He writes the words into his own self-made textbook. He then analyzes and marks them using reliable rules.

3. Composition/Grammar
The student creates original oral sentences with spelling words. After he has an adequate spelling vocabulary, he writes original sentences.

4. Reading/Literature
Reading develops spontaneously as the student learns the above skills. No boring basal readers are required. Many use the Bible as the first textbook or selections of high interest to the student. Once a student can read smoothly, he can be trained in good comprehension skills using the McCall-Crabbs Test Lessons in Reading.

Spell to Write and Read avoids “fickle phonics.”

SWR does not teach bogus rules.
Many programs teach, “When two vowels go walking the first one does the talking.” The first vowel does occasionally make its long sound, however, this is more of a coincidence than a genuine rule.
How reliable is this idea with the 21 multiple-vowel phonograms?

  • consistently: oe, oa, aigh, ee
  • commonly: ai, ay
  • possibly: ea, ae
  • usually not: ey, ei, ie, oo, ou
  • never: au, augh, ear, eau, eu, oy, oi, ui

Children do better when they develop an instant response between each specific phonogram and its possible sound(s) than if they learn a generalized concept that does not work consistently.

SWR does not teach a backward focus.
Many programs drill with so-called “word families.” The student forms the faulty expectation that look-alike words should sound alike.

Look alike words may or may not sound alike:
day – pay – say
gas – has – was

Many common words look alike but do not rhyme:
hat – what
here – were
home – some
cove – move
food – good
plow – blow
both – cloth
cave – have
put – but
to – go

Many common words look different but rhyme:
raise – raze – rays
heel – heal – he’ll
rode – road – rowed
pear – pair – pare
seas – seize – sees
due – dew – do
mane – main – Maine
their – there – they’re
wrapped – rapt – rapped

Spell to Write and Read has a dependable foundation.

The consistent way to view English is to analyze words by phonograms. A phonogram is the letter or letters that represent sounds of speech. The difference in phonogram groupings below explain why these look-alike words do not sound alike.

Spell to Write and Read covers vital language keys.
70 Basic Phonograms + 28 Reliable Spelling Rules = 98 keys
These 98 keys yield 99% phonetic accuracy with high-frequency words.

Spell to Write and Read applies keys to essential words.
The 2,000 word spelling list covered in the Wise Guide portion of the program includes the 1,000 most frequently used English words. This core list of words and their derivatives compose 80% of all we write and read.

Spell to Write and Read works for all students.

All learning types can benefit. Beginners spend five to six years in the program. Older scholars may move faster to improve spelling. Diagnostic tests pinpoint the appropriate level (K-12) for specific students.

For more information, see these articles and the Q&A below

Wanda Sanseri’s presentation to the Oregon Senate
Classically Unique Literacy Training

Common Questions and Answers about SWR:

Who can benefit?

Spell to Write and Read works for one student or many and is suitable for:

  • All ages (young or old)
  • All ability levels (struggling, average, gifted)
  • All learners (visual, auditory, vocal, tactile)
  • All backgrounds (native English speakers, English as a foreign language)

The streamlined yet complete foundation organizes English in a way that works with all levels of spelling from kindergarden through 12th grade. Teachers fill in gaps in their own education with a direct, uncluttered program.

Why should I teach Spell to Write and Read (SWR)?

What is taught in this program?

How does Spell to Write and Read teach reading?

What materials are required to teach this program?

What are the components of a lesson?

How long will a lesson take? Is instruction required daily?

How do the two teacher books work together for building lesson plans?

How do I plan a weekly schedule?

What type of support is available for Spell to Write and Read teachers?

Do I need to take a Seminar to teach this program?

Why does Spell to Write and Read take teacher time up-front to learn?

How can I lay a foundation with very young children eager to learn?

Can I include my preschooler who wants to work beside his older brother?

How can I teach Spell to Write and Read with a child who has writing delays?

Can Spell to Write and Read help a struggling middle school student?

How do we place an older child new to the program?

If my child already knows how to read, why would I want to use Spell to Write and Read?

Does Spell to Write and Read teach spelling rules that apply to my son’s other school work?

How does Spell to Write and Read compare with other reading systems?

What is the difference between Writing Road to Reading (WRR) and SWR?

How and why does the word list in WISE Guide differ from Writing Road to Reading?

Why has Spell to Write and Read won so many awards?

The ABCD’s of SWR

New Report
